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Corporate Culture Tag

Video communications add a level of authenticity and transparency to employee communications, especially in a distributed workplace. Trust, authenticity and transparency are usually the first ingredients of a healthy corporate culture. If employees can’t trust that their managers have their best interests in mind, they won’t...

When we talk about branding and content and their relationship with employee communication, we’re really talking about emotions and perceptions. What your employees feel about the company they work for determines everything from their performance to their willingness to participate in your workplace community. Branding, strictly...

The race for better millennial engagement and overall employee communications has made this question commonplace: When applying for a new position, do you tend to look over the company’s website and social media pages to view their work and corporate culture? This is how most companies...

A positive, supportive corporate culture is important in all workplaces. When workers are motivated and collaborating with each other openly and with as little conflict as possible, everyone wins—everyone makes money, and everyone’s happy. Building and maintaining a corporate culture that makes use of conflict when...

Conflict is a part of any office space, whether your employees are distributed in different locations or all working under the same roof. Since conflict is inevitable between humans trying to work together with high stakes, conflict resolution has to not only pacify the problem,...

Incivility is a virus that can disrupt even the most efficient work spaces. How can change management efforts and corporate culture training defeat incivility before it spreads? Civility. It’s a simple word. The Oxford Dictionary defines this noun as “Formal politeness and courtesy in behavior or...

Motion graphics are a cost-effective avenue when incorporating video in your employee communications and training efforts. Perhaps the greatest challenge motion graphic videos present to development teams is choice. There is an entire spectrum of options between animation and moving images, which make finding a...

Maybe it’s a little bit of both but Adweek exclaims that 92% of businesses use social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter for recruiting new employees. So, maybe social media can be used for effective employee communications and not just play. For many years, when...

Corporate culture has always been affected negatively and positively by how empowered the voice of the employee is in any organization. Recently, in the wake of the #MeToo movement, we’ve seen harrowing examples of management gone wrong, and power running amok. Many organizations believe they’ve solved...

Vacation days, time off, and generally an intuitive, positive, supportive work environment attract the best job candidates. In all industries trying to improve their millennial engagement, corporate culture is the backbone of the company’s efforts. Nothing improves and builds a positive corporate culture like a...

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