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Corporate Culture Tag

Most American workers are workaholics and refuse to take time off work. Studies reveal that more than half are leaving their vacation time unused. While most businesses appreciate the dedication and commitment of hardworking employees, employers need to encourage workers to take time off and...

For some high school and college students, summer is the time to get away from the regimens of classes, lectures and “school" life. For others, the 8-12 week period is the doorway to firsthand experiences of employee communications in real-world employment. Although some organizations offer...

The summer holidays are nearly upon us. This is the time for vacations, outdoor bar-be-ques, traveling, sun, and fun. Today, corporate culture is forgiving of summer vacations, usually from around July 4th through mid-August. The time is now to gear your employees up between their...

Summer is underway and for a lot of businesses, it is also slow season! With slow season comes more time to revamp your brand message and bring on new employees for a fresh perspective. Whether it be new college grads or someone changing careers or...

Every article you’ve ever read about bosses starts with this quote: “Employees don’t quit jobs. They quit bosses.” It may be a little overused but it’s absolutely true. What kind of work an employee does is not nearly as important to corporate culture and overall job...

Video communications are great for today’s office. Linking everyone working in different places together, spreading the same information to everyone all at once, and all the other benefits of informative, fast video communications give businesses an advantage, except for when accessibility problems come up. Obviously, there’s...

After the now-famous meeting of the 17 people who would build the Agile Manifesto in 2001, their revolutionary ideas have infiltrated not just the world of software development, but also all facets of business organization, human resources, and corporate culture. How has culture and management...

Progressive and forward-thinking companies are embracing diversity and inclusion as a viable way to stay relevant and maintain a stable and prosperous business. A diverse team will help you better understand different cultures and languages, which can strengthen your services and brand. Engaging and celebrating cultural...

Should employee benefits include summer vacation as a matter of course? The data says ‘yes.’ In 1966, a band called The Lovin’ Spoonful came out with Summer in the City. It pays homage to city life when the weather’s scorching hot during the day, and ears...

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